Staff Directory

Stacy Berndl

Beau Campbell
School Resource Officer

Walter Cordova
Spanish Teacher

Debbie Corriero
School Based Therapist

Lauren Courtney
School Counselor

Kayla Crego
Instrumental Music Teacher

Tiffany Fontaine

Pam Ginter
College & Career Advisor
Melinda Gordon
Multilingual Learner Coordinator/Teacher

Beth Hall
SPED- Severe Needs

Gunar Harmon

Brian Inman
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal

Cori Kassib
Assistant Principal

Michael Knopf
Head Custodian

Daniel Lanzillotti
Physical Education Teacher

Emily Leak

Kyle LeValley
Social Studies Teacher

Debra McClure
Math Teacher

Stephanie Mellon
Digital Teacher Librarian
Jenny Meyer
Special Education Teacher

Jianna Puchalski
Science Teacher

Ashley Smith
School Health Professional

Angie Thoennes

Carlin Truong
Vocal Teacher

Jess Warren
Administrative Assistant to the Principal

Meagan Wentworth
Head Cook

Brandi Wheeler

Sarah White
English Teacher

Ryan Wood
Art Teacher

Eron Twomey
Instructional Coach & Interventionist